Sunday, April 24, 2011

Do you miss the jungle? If so, what about it? If you had the choice of being or not being captured, what would you choose?

As I mentioned in my report: “If I were invited to take a cruise in that ship, I should certainly refuse the invitation...” So no, I would never “wish” to be captured. However, I must say that although I cannot remember where I came from, in that the memories are not really mine, but merely the photographs of others, to speak in images, I do not feel the same frenzy of longing to return to the “enchanted forest” as do the men and women among whom I live. Somewhere inside of me there must be a source of “memories” but really I feel only the jungle within me in my heartbeat, and in my stomach and in the tremble of my legs when I walk, and I try with all my might to stamp it out once and for all. I do this by learning. For me a newly learned idea means the sudden death of a past reality. The more I learn each day, the more I depart from my cage. And therefore I experience a special kind of joy to learn a new thing. It is the joy of release. You might imagine I mean release from ignorance. If that is your best way of understanding it, I suppose that the image fits to a certain degree. In any case, it is meager, human-like release.
But to imagine the time before there was even that first cage is a real impossibility.

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